Childhood is the best of all the seasons of life and the longer it last with happy memories, the stronger the emotional stability in adulthood.
All journeys must be cheerful, educative, colorful and full of excitement. It should be worth the ride. Our efforts at Naval Kindergarten INS Valsura is to be make that two years journey a memorable one.
We at NKG INS Valsura believe that each child is a unique individual, and so we value and treasure each child. Like a grain of sand developing inside the oyster into a precious pearl, we endeavor to transform the children into precious pearls.
The academic year 2022-2023 started on April 4, 2022 after nearly two years of online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All the safely norms were observed for the reopening and the students came wearing masks. The start of this year was particularly overwhelming than ever as one could observe mixed feeling of excitement, joy and confusion among the students' parents and teacher.
The year 2022-23 saw a plethora of activates and experiences, all of which have been extremely positive and rewarding. All our co-curricular and extracurricular activities are planned to complement and foster confidence civic sense empathy and civic sense. All the skills that the little ones acquired came to light when they put up class wise special assemblies. These assemblies ensured 100% participation of the students. When the children confidently walked on to the stage for the first time of their livesthey invariably surprised their parents and teacher alike with their skill talent and timings. Activities such as "Pick and speak "and "Fancy Dress 'for Little Angels also helped build their confidence and vocabulary.
Outdoor and sports activities gnite curiosity, make the children aware of common courtesies and the benefits to sharing, waiting for their turn and team work. Initiates such as "Best out of waste" and "Talent show" strengthen the parent - child bond and add a sweet memory about the happy times.
Field trips to the market, Post office, nursery, traffic park and museum enhances their understanding of thing and gave a new dimension to their interactive social skills.
Classroom activities enlivene the learning process through hands-on experiences. The message the students carry home is that everyone is a winner.
Good teachers become great teacher by going beyond the call of duty and beyond the textbook. Value addition through workshops, Montessori training, faculty development and exchange programmes are another focal point towards horing the skills of the teacher at Naval Kindergarten INS Valsura . A workshop for the parents "Positive Parenting Practices" was conducted by Mrs Mamta Subramaniam.
With these thoughts, I present before you the 11th edition of pehla kadam - The first step Our annual school magazine. It is a spinoff of the innumerable moments of joy and accomplishment moments of joy and accomplishment by the children at Naval Kindergarten INS Valsura.
The editorial team has chronicled and captured these moments into photographic stlls. Their efforts at immortalizing those moments are praiseworthy.
I would like to thank the school management under the guidance of the Commanding Officer, SEdO , Oi/C and other departments of the Valsura family for their support throughout the year. I extend my sincere thanks to my teaching and non- teaching staff for their dedication and commitment.
I on behalf of the school administration thank all the parents for being an important part of the NKG family.
Jai Hind.